The Mystery Crumb Schedule

Once you have found a school to share your detective work, you should then plan your schedule. The following is only intended as a possible schedule. By all means, use this schedule as you see fit.
After receiving your clues, I would suggest you make a grid on what you know. On the left hand side, write the names of the suspects. Then on the top of the page, write the clues. Fill in the squares according to the clues.

Classroom Activities
Download files
Week 1

Introduction of classes

Week 2

Download the first set of clues. Email the other detectives to ask for information about the case: the question that you need answering.

Download 1st set of clues--
Week 3

Download the second set of clues. These should mystify the case even more as there are some red herrings. Therefore, you'll need to ask more questions before you can solve the case.

Download 2nd set of clues

(the police are working on it!)

Week 4

After you have all the clues, you'll now be able to make an educated guess on what has happened to the missing boat. How will you tell the other school your answer? Why not write a newspaper article, or a police report? Set a date for each school to submit their report.

Week 5

After you have finished this project, please fill in the evaluation form so that I can improve this school based project.

Download file

Mystery Crumb
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Classroom Activities
Participating Schools
Mystery Links

Email me Email the Crumbmaster if you have any questions, or suggestions.